Do you want to impress your teacher? Maybe you just want to get the most out of your school year. Whatever your reason for wanting to be the best student in your class, there are a couple of different ways you're going to want to improve yourself. Being a great student is about more than just making the grade; it's also being a good person and showing your teacher that you take their class seriously.

Method 1: Getting the Most out of Learning
Get your brain and body ready to learn. You will learn best and have the easiest time in school if your body is ready to learn! There are lots of things that you can do to get your body ready. Try:
  • Get lots of sleep. You’ll need to get the right amount of sleep for your body if you want your brain to work at its best. You should feel alert through most of the day. If you find yourself needing to shut your eyes by lunch, you’re not sleeping enough. For most people, you’ll need about 8 hours of sleep.
  • Your body can’t work right if all you eat is junk like chips, candy, and hamburgers. If you want to be the best student you can be, eat your vegetables (like broccoli), some fruit, and lean proteins (like chicken and fish).
  • Drink plenty of water. Your brain needs water in order to work right. In fact, your whole body needs water in order to work right. Drink several glasses of water a day but keep in mind that some people need more water than others. If your pee is coming out dark colored, you need more water, whereas if it's clear, that's typically excess water.
Learn in a way that works for you. Everyone learns best in different ways; this is called a learning style.[1] Find a way that works for you and try to learn that way as much as you can. You’ll have more control over this when you study at home, but you can also talk to your teacher about adjusting how the lessons are taught to include more variety for different style learners.
  • For example, have you noticed that it’s really easy for you to remember charts or pictures? This means you might be a visual learner, which means you should use more images and pictures in order to learn. An example of this would be if you drew yourself a chart to memorize the parts of speech.
  • Maybe you've noticed that you have an easier time studying when you listen to music quietly or that you can't remember what your teacher wrote on the board but you can "hear" what they said in your head as if they were in the room now. This means you might be an auditory learner, which means you learn better with sound. An example of this would be if you record your teacher when they're talking so that you can listen to it while you do your homework or study.
  • Maybe you've noticed that, during a lesson, you feel like you still want to pay attention but you really need to stand up or move around. Maybe you pace around your room while you study. This might mean that you are a kinesthetic learner, which means you learn better when you're doing things with your body. Try playing with a piece of clay in your hand while your teacher talks.
Pay attention. The best thing that you can do to improve your grades and learn a lot is to pay attention when your teacher is talking. If you get distracted you might miss important information and you'll have a harder time understanding what you do listen to or when you study later.
  • If you're having trouble staying focused when your teacher is talking, try sitting in the front and participating more in the class. Raise your hand and ask questions when you don't understand something or when your teacher says something interesting and you want to know more about it.
Learn how to take notes. Taking notes (and taking notes well) can be tricky, but it will make it much easier for you to learn and study, which means your grades will get better and your test scores will improve. Just remember, you don't have to write down everything your teacher says. Just write down the most important things and the things you know you'll have a hard time remembering.

Study earlier. One of the most effective ways to get better scores on tests is to start studying and preparing for the test as early as possible. Definitely don't leave it until the night before. The harder the test will be, the earlier you should start studying. Two or three weeks is usually a good starting point.
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