Pro tips for Facebook usage

Facebook tips:

Facebook is the fastest growing social networking site in the world today with up to 250,000 new users being added every day. But sharing information has lots of risks including your name which can be accessed by others and your profile can be viewed. Anyone can get valuable information and private photos from your profile -- ultimately getting you in big trouble. You can keep your misfortunes down to a minimum by following these steps.

1. Set the Privacy settings on your profile to "Friends." By doing this, you will be able to have control who has access to your information and pictures. For certain pictures, you can also select certain friends that you do or do not want them to see.

2. Avoid putting your phone number, mailing address, or your home address in your profile. People often use words such as pet's names or numbers as passwords, so it is not recommended to publish them on-line.

3. Change your password every so often. Don't make your password something obvious such as your birthday or mother's maiden name. Try to have at least one capital letter, one lowercase letter, two numbers, and a symbol. The longer and more complicated the password, the safer you are from getting your account hacked. Always remember to log out after you're finished with Facebook, especially on a shared computer.

4. Don't confuse Facebook with an on-line dating site. The purpose of Facebook is to connect you with people you know. Making your profile public means you're sharing your information with everyone, even though you don't know them, a risk that you wouldn't want to take.

5. Be careful who you friend. Don't friend anyone out of your state/country unless you know them pretty well. Only friend people you know. You can add mutual friends that you don't know if you want to, though not recommended. Only friend people that you at least know their favorite color, siblings name, pets name, or something like that.

6. Before clicking on a link from Facebook, always remember to check the address bar, which should always display "" and nothing else like "" or "www.facebook1.php", etc. which is a giveaway of a phisher. It can steal your e-mail and password, as well as post spam links to your friends' Walls.